A Football Treat For Riley

Fri Sep 09 2022 11:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Last night, our Trustee, Mark, and Ambassador, Mark, made a special visit to Riley. Riley’s mum, Kerry, got in touch with us to say that, unfortunately, Riley and his family are going through some very upsetting times at the minute, but the way that Riley was handling things with so much positivity was making her so proud.
Kerry told us that Riley is a massive Newcastle United fan and asked if there was anything we could do to give him an extra special football treat. Angel Trust sprung into action and booked tickets for a Newcastle match with VIP treatment. Yesterday was Riley’s 10th birthday, which made Mark and Mark’s visit more special as they surprised Riley with the tickets, a card, and some gifts from Team Angel Trust. Riley’s mum told us we had made his dreams come true. Enjoy your treat, Riley, and don’t forget to send us some pictures of your exciting day!